The Social Justice and Civil Rights specialization serves students who wish to pursue careers that include public service, advocacy, and/or social justice activism.
Course Options
- ACCAD 5100: Concept Development for Time-Based Media
- ARTSSCI 2400: Conversations on Morality, Politics, and Society
- COMM 2110: Principles of Effective Public Speaking
- COMM 2331: Strategic Communication Principles
- COMM 2367: Persuasive Communication
- COMM 3325: Introduction to Organizational Communication
- COMM 3333: Crisis Communication
- COMM 3620: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
- COMM 4635: Communication Dynamics in Groups
- DESIGN 3105: Exploring Design Thinking
- DESIGN 3505: Presentation as Thinking
- ENGLISH 2276: Arts of Persuasion
- ENGLISH 3395: Literature and Leadership
- ESHESA 2570: Team and Organizational Leadership
- ESHESA 2575: Student Organization Leadership Training
- FRIT 3054: The 21st-Century Skill: Intercultural Competence for Global Citizenship
- POLITSC 3785: Data Science for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
- PSYCH 2311: Psychology of Motivation
- PSYCH 2376: Interpersonal Relationships
- PSYCH 2500: Applied Psychology: Human Behavior in the Wild
- PSYCH 3325: Introduction to Social Psychology
- PSYCH 3530: Theories of Personality
- WGSST 3385: Women in Political Leadership Internship
- AFAMAST 2201: Major Readings in African American and African Studies
- AFAMAST 2218: Black Urban Experience
- AFAMAST 2275: Blackness and the Politics of Sports
- AFAMAST 2281: Introduction to African-American Literature
- AFAMAST 3080: Slavery in the United States
- AFAMAST 3083: Civil Rights and Black Power Movements
- AFAMAST 3086: Black Women in Slavery and Freedom
- AFAMAST 3230: Black Women: Culture and Politics
- AFAMAST 3260: Global Black Cultural Movements
- AFAMAST 3310: Global Perspectives on the African Diaspora
- AFAMAST 3440: Theorizing Race
- AFAMAST 3450: The Art and Politics of Hip-Hop
- AFAMAST 4504: Black Politics
- AFAMAST 4610: African Americans and the Law
- AFAMAST 4921: Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference
- AFAMAST 5240: Race and Public Policy in the United States
- AFAMAST 5650: Blackness and the Body in Science and Medicine
- ANTHROP 3597.01: Crisis! An Anthropological Perspective of Global Issues
- ANTHROP 3597.02: Women, Culture, and Development
- ARTSSCI 3192: Leadership Experiential Learning
- CLAS 3210: Classics and African American Political Thought
- COMM 3440: Mass Communication and Society
- COMM 3442: Violence in Society and Violence in the Media
- COMM 3668: Intercultural Communication
- COMPSTD 3501: Humanitarianism in Question
- COMPSTD 4845: Gender, Sexuality, and Science
- COMPSTD 4921: Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference
- DANCE 5500: Anti-Racism in the Performing Arts
- DANCE 5505S: Citizen Artists: Cultivating Community-Engaged Arts Partnerships
- EDUTL 5005: Equity, Diversity, and Justice in Education
- ENGLISH 2281: Introduction to African-American Literature
- ENGLISH 2282: Introduction to Queer Studies
- ENGLISH 2367.06: Writing about Disability
- ENGLISH 2367.07S: Literacy Narratives of Black Columbus
- ENGLISH 2581: Introduction to U.S. Ethnic Literatures and Cultures
- ENGLISH 4580: Special Topics in LGBTQ Literatures and Cultures
- ENGLISH 4581: Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures
- ENGLISH 4582: Special Topics in African-American Literature
- ENGLISH 4586: Studies in American Indian Literature and Culture
- ENGLISH 4587: Studies in Asian American Literature and Culture
- ENGLISH 4588: Studies in Latino/a Literature and Culture
- ENGLISH 4597.01: The Disability Experience in the Contemporary World
- ESEPOL 3312: Conflict, Voice, and Power in Public Education
- ESEPOL 5217: Comparative Perspective on Education, Globalization, and National Development
- ESHESA 2577: Diversity and Social Justice in Leadership
- ESPHE 5440: Philosophical Perspectives on Race, Education, and Citizenship
- GEOG 2400.01: Economic and Social Geography
- GEOG 2400.02: Economic and Social Geography: Research-Focused
- GEOG 2500: Cities and their Global Spaces
- GEOG 3701: The Making of the Modern World
- GEOG 3800: Geographical Perspectives on Environment and Society
- GEOG 5502: Data Justice and the Right to the Smart City
- HISTORY 2080: African American History to 1877
- HISTORY 2081: African American History from 1877
- HISTORY 2752: Social Reform Movements in U.S. History
- HISTORY 3041: American Labor History
- HISTORY 3070: Native American History from European Contact to Removal, 1560-1820
- HISTORY 3071: Native American History from Removal to the Present
- HISTORY 3080: Slavery in the United States
- HISTORY 3083: Civil Rights and Black Power Movements
- HISTORY 3086: Black Women in Slavery and Freedom
- HISTORY 3352: Marginal Groups in the Non-Western World
- HISTORY 3620: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in the United States, 1940-Present
- HISTORY 3675: How to Stage a Revolution
- LING 3601: Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the U.S.
- LING 3605: Language and Social Justice
- LING 3606: Language, Gender, and Sexuality
- LING 4602: Language and Belonging in the U.S.
- MATH 2010S: Intersections of Mathematics and Society: Hidden Figures
- PHILOS 3420: Philosophical Perspectives on Issues of Gender
- PHILOS 3440: Theorizing Race
- PHILOS 5400: Advanced Political and Social Philosophy
- PHILOS 5420: Philosophical Topics in Feminist Theory
- PHILOS 5440: Philosophical Perspectives on Race, Education, and Citizenship
- POLITSC 3420: Political Theories of Democracy
- POLITSC 3430: Political Theories of Freedom
- POLITSC 3440: Political Theories of Justice
- POLITSC 3450: Ethics and Public Policy
- POLITSC 3460: Global Justice
- POLITSC 3910: Identity Politics
- POLITSC 4136: Civil Liberties
- POLITSC 4140: Black Politics
- POLITSC 4143: Race, Ethnicity, and American Politics
- POLITSC 4282: The Politics of Income Inequality
- POLITSC 4285: The Comparative Politics of the Welfare State
- POLITSC 4332: Politics of Globalization
- POLITSC 4455: Human Rights
- POLITSC 4465: Feminist Political Theory
- POLITSC 4597.03: Gender and Democracy in the Contemporary World
- PSYCH 3375: Stereotyping and Prejudice
- SLAVIC 2995.99: Race and Gender in Eastern Europe and the US: A Transatlantic Comparison
- SLAVIC 3320: Queer Comrades: Sexual Citizenship and LGBTQ Lives in Eastern Europe
- SLAVIC 3340: The East European Immigrant Experience in America
- SLAVIC 4597: Politics of Language in Southeast Europe
- SLAVIC 5450: Global Human Trafficking: Realities and Representations
- SOCIOL 2368: Urban Social Problems
- SOCIOL 2463: Social Inequality: Race, Class, and Gender
- SOCIOL 3200: Sociology of Immigration
- SOCIOL 3306: Sociology of Poverty
- SOCIOL 3380: Racial and Ethnic Relations in America
- SPANISH 3005: Career Exploration & Development with Spanish
- THEATRE 5922S: Shakespeare and Autism
- WGSST 2325: Health and Inequality
- WGSST 2326S: Feminist Perspectives on Addiction, Service Learning
- WGSST 2400: Higher Power: Feminisms & Religion
- WGSST 3200: Breaking the Law: An Introduction to Gender Justice
- WGSST 3300.01S: Feminist Perspectives of Incarceration in the US
- WGSST 3302: Gender, War & Peacebuilding
- WGSST 3306: Gender, Media, and New Technologies
- WGSST 3370: Sexualities and Citizenship
- WGSST 3385: Women in Political Leadership Internship
- WGSST 3505: Transnational Feminisms
- WGSST 3530: Women, Environment and Development
- WGSST 4189.01S: Reproductive Rights and Justice
- WGSST 4402: Black Women: Representations, Politics, and Power
- WGSST 4404: Regulating Bodies: Global Sexual Economies
- WGSST 4465: Feminist Political Theory
- WGSST 4513: Women, Government and Public Policy
- WGSST 4520: Women of Color and Social Activism
- WGSST 4524: Women's Work? Sex, Race, Class & Labor
- WGSST 4525: Feminist Critiques of Markets - Profiting from Inequality
- WGSST 4597: Gender and Democracy in the Contemporary World
- WGSST 4845: Gender, Sexuality, and Science
- WGSST 4921: Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference
- WGSST 5450: Global Human Trafficking: Realities and Representations
Sample Curriculum
- HISTORY 3676: Leadership in History
- PHILOS 2390: Ethics and Leadership in A Diverse World
- WGSS 4403: Gender, Race, and Leadership
- POLITSC 3912: Political Leadership
- COMM 2110: Principles of Effective Public Speaking
- COMM 2367: Persuasive Communication
- FRIT 3054: The 21-Century Skill: Intercultural Competence for Global Citizenship
- AFAMAST 4610: African Americans and the Law
- HISTORY 2752: Social Reform Movements in U.S. History
- SOC 3380: Racial and Ethnic Relations in America
- ASC 4676: Leadership Major Capstone