Sample Advising Sheet

Arts and Sciences Leadership Major

Please note that cross-counting courses in this way requires the approval of both departments.

  • Students take 11 courses totaling 33 credit hours.
  • Students choose a Specialization, and then take Skills and Content courses in that category.
  • Students create and maintain a Digital Learning Portfolio, to be turned in at the completion of the Capstone.
  • Students may include up to 9 credit hours of non-ASC coursework toward the major requirements.
  • Substitutions to the curriculum will be approved as exceptions.
  • Students with double majors should speak to their advisors about the possibility of crossing courses between majors.

Core 1: Leadership in History

  • HISTORY 3676: Leadership in History
  • *Embedded Literacies for Advanced Writing

Core 2: Ethics of Leadership

  • PHILOSPH 2390: Ethics and Leadership in a Diverse World

Core 3: Diversity and Leadership

  • WGSS 4403: Gender, Race, and Leadership

Core 4: Practice of Leadership

  • Choose one:
    • PSYCH 2XXX: Organizational Psychology
    • POLITSC 3912: Political Leadership
    • AAEP 5671: Organizational Leadership in Non-Profit Arts

Choose 1 Specialization from the list below

Your specialization will determine your lists of courses for the Skills and Content courses below.

  1. Politics and Law
  2. Leadership in Society
    1. Urban Leadership
    2. The Arts Leadership
    3. Health Leadership
    4. Sports Leadership
  3. Business and Markets
  4. Military and Security Studies
  5. Social Justice and Civil Rights
  6. Science and Innovation
    1. Environmental Leadership
    2. Innovation Leadership
  • Students will submit their portfolio to the Capstone Instructor at the end of the Capstone seminar.
  • If a student completes ASC 3192 after the Capstone, they must revise their portfolio to include the Experiential Learning component, then turn in the portfolio to the Director at the end of ASC 3192.
  • Choose from Specialization Skills Courses.
  • Must include 1 COMM Skills Course.
  • Students may earn 3 credit hours for co-curricular activities by enrolling in ASC Leadership Experiential Learning (ASC 3192).
  •  Approved options are listed below; students may request approval for an unlisted option, which must be approved by the Director, in consultation with the FAC.


ASC Leadership Experiential Learning: ASC 3192 (3 Credit Hours)

  • Options may include:
    • Internship
    • Service Learning
    • ROTC Deployment
    • Scholars Program
    • Mount Leadership Society
    • Buckeye Leadership Fellows

Choose 3 courses from the list of Specialization Content courses.

  • ASC 4676 (Leadership Major Capstone)
    • Embedded Literacies for Data Analysis and Technology
      • Prerequisites:
        • Leadership major and Junior or Senior standing, or permission of instructor.
      • Students should enroll in the Capstone Seminar after they have completed:
        •  The 4 required Core courses,
        • at least 2 Skills courses,
        • and at least 2 Content courses
      • Exceptions must be approved by the Director.